Car Wash Pit & Drain Cleaning in Vancouver
Ace Tank Services provides car washes with regularly scheduled car wash pit maintenance services in the Greater Vancouver region. Included is:
- Sediment and sand clean-out services
- Cleaning of drains
- Flushing of drains and culverts
This service is also appropriate for storm drains, sludge removal, wastewater removal, etc. We have the right equipment and experience to get the clean-up done quickly, efficiently, and affordably to keep your systems running optimally.
To learn more about our services, contact Ace Tank Services by calling 604-534-8242 (Langley), 604-820-3354 (Mission) or toll-free at 1-877-820-3354. You can also send us a message. We also offer scheduled contracts on a 3, 6 or 12-month rotation.