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Car Wash Pit Cleaning

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Car Wash Pit & Drain Cleaning in Vancouver

Ace Tank Services provides car washes with regularly scheduled car wash pit maintenance services in the Greater Vancouver region. Included is:

  • Sediment and sand clean-out services
  • Cleaning of drains
  • Flushing of drains and culverts

This service is also appropriate for storm drains, sludge removal, wastewater removal, etc. We have the right equipment and experience to get the clean-up done quickly, efficiently, and affordably to keep your systems running optimally.

To learn more about our services, contact Ace Tank Services by calling 604-534-8242 (Langley), 604-820-3354 (Mission) or toll-free at 1-877-820-3354. You can also send us a message. We also offer scheduled contracts on a 3, 6 or 12-month rotation.

Technician cleaning a catch basin with a green vacuum hose and tools to ensure proper drainage in the Lower Mainland.


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Mighty Fraser Motel

5 star rating
Quick, Amazing and very satisfying works with kind and gentle smile. Blair was the gentleman and did wonderful job very diligently. Thank you very much Blair and Ace Septic!!

Ryan Bergeron

5 star rating
I can without a doubt say that what ACE provides is top notch. Great knowledgeable staff and it’s clear that providing good customer service is what’s important to them. Customer for life.

Sandra Cascaden

5 star rating
Professional, knowledgeable, and efficient is how I would describe the services of Erin and Cody. Thank you for a job well done, guys!! Ace Tank Services is the place to go.

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