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Maintenance, Inspection, Do’s and Don’ts

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Septic Service Systems

Septic Field Maintenance

At Ace Tank Services, we know that septic field maintenance goes way beyond just pumping a tank. That’s why we have a team of certified Maintenance Providers in Langley who take care of your system on a routine schedule and provide you with a written report with visual evidence after every visit. With advancements in the septic industry, our newer systems treat wastewater better than they ever have. However, these newer systems have components that require continuous attention. Let us take care of the dirty work so you have one less thing on your mind.

Septic Systems Inspection

Thinking of buying a home that has an old septic system? Thinking of building a workshop or pool and not sure where your field is? You might need a professional septic inspection in these cases. 

Ace Tank Services’ septic inspectors examine every component of your system and assess its current condition or look for signs of trouble. A pipe camera is used to inspect the internal condition of the pipes and tanks. Their locations are then marked with underground locating tools. All our inspections come with written reports, visual evidence, and recommendations for material improvement.

Septic System Inspection

Maintenance Tips for Septic Tank Service

Modern septic systems have made it fairly easy to maintain a well-functioning system – but that doesn’t mean they are maintenance-free. In order to limit problems or potentially expensive repairs for septic tank services in Abbotsford here are some tips to help ensure your septic system continues to work optimally. If you do notice any issues with your septic tank, we do offer septic system inspections to help assess the situation and provide helpful advice.

Grease and harmful chemicals can damage your system and pose a risk to your groundwater; find ways to dispose of them properly. Also, avoid heavy-duty cleaners as they can kill beneficial bacteria that your system requires to function effectively. And don’t flush products that are not meant for the system, such as cat litter, disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, tampons, paper towels, facial tissues, coffee grounds or cigarette butts and filters.

Do not drive over or build on top of your septic system. Even though it’s buried, the significant weight could damage the system at a tremendous cost.

Use your garbage disposal judiciously; food waste can fill your septic tank quickly. Install top-of-the-line garbage disposal that breaks down food waste into the smallest pieces possible. Also, be conservative when showering and washing dishes and laundry. Add aerators to your faucets and displacers to your toilets to reduce water flow.

No matter what steps you take to minimize the impact on your septic system, if you use it you will have to have it pumped. The frequency of your septic system maintenance depends on the size of your tank and the number of people in your household. Never try to inspect or clean the system yourself. Septic systems contain harmful gases and bacteria, and cleanings should only be conducted by a trained professional.

Septic System Do’s and Don’ts

Here are some steps to ensure a good working condition and longer life of your septic system.


Consider attending a free 2-hour CRD Septic Savvy Workshop

Have an Authorized Person (AP*) develop a maintenance plan (see contact information). Allow easy access to the system for monitoring and maintenance. Keep a record of pumping, inspections and other maintenance.

Install an effluent filter if you don’t already have one. Special units are available for retrofitting to an existing tank. Solids will be kept out of your dispersal system, and your system will last longer.

Practice water conservation. Limit the number of high water use activities done consecutively or at the same time. For example, spread out laundry washings over the week and avoid running the dishwasher at the same time. Also, use water sparingly when watering over or near your dispersal system.

Be aware that human wastes from people on medication (eg. antibiotics) can affect the performance of your septic system and may require more frequent pumping of your tank. Leftover medications should be returned to your pharmacy.

Collect records on your sewerage system. If you don’t have any, use this link to do a file search with Fraser Health Authority.

Learn and record the location of your septic system, including tank and dispersal area.

Arrange for an AP* to do an inspection the next time you have your system pumped. An AP* should inspect the entire system: tank, tees or baffles, an effluent filter, distribution box, dispersal system and pump chamber (if applicable). An AP* is separate from a pumper.

Arrange for another inspection in two to five years and a pump-out according to existing bylaws or at a frequency appropriate to your own particular circumstances, as determined by the inspector.

Use alternatives to toxic cleaners and chemicals. Harmful chemicals can kill the beneficial bacteria in your septic tank, causing you to have your tank pumped more often. Toxins can also be carried to your dispersal system and into watercourses or drinking wells.

Have a maintenance plan/service contract for package treatment plants and have an AP* attend to repairs promptly.

Resources for onsite sewerage systems property owners and authorized persons


Don’t allow potential poisons to get into your dispersal system, including paint, solvents, antifreeze, fuels, oil, pesticides or herbicides. They upset the beneficial bacteria in your system and can leach into groundwater and cause serious health or environmental concerns. Use environmentally friendly alternatives where possible.

Don’t pour hazardous waste down the drain. Take hazardous wastes to hazardous waste disposal depots. Contact the CRD Hotline (see contact information) for more information.

Don’t use septic tank “starters” or similar products. They can do more harm than good. Allow the natural bacteria to work on their own.

Don’t use granular drain cleaners. Only a small amount can kill all of the beneficial bacteria in your system, leading to a rapid build-up of solids or dispersal system clogs.

Don’t park, drive, pave or put heavy objects or machinery over your dispersal system. This can compact the soil, crush pipes and keep air from getting into the ground – all of which can lead to system failure.

Don’t use your toilet or drains as a trash can. Cooking grease, fats, cigarette butts, disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, hair, plastics, lint, metal, rubber, coffee grounds, tea leaves and cat litter should all be kept out of your septic system.

Don’t attempt repairs or alterations to your septic system yourself. Only an AP* should work on your septic system (see contact information). *An Authorized Person (AP) is either a Registered Onsite Wastewater Practioner (ROWP) or a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.)

Don’t allow roof drains, perimeter drains or surface water runoff from driveways and slopes to discharge into your tank or onto the dispersal system. Excessive water can flood the system and cause premature failure.

Avoid discharge water softener backwash into a septic system.

Don’t plant trees or shrubs in the dispersal system area. Their roots can damage or plug the dispersal system pipes. Grass is ideal.

Don’t use a garburator to dispose of food waste and other solids. Your tank will fill up prematurely and require more frequent pumping.


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Mighty Fraser Motel

5 star rating
Quick, Amazing and very satisfying works with kind and gentle smile. Blair was the gentleman and did wonderful job very diligently. Thank you very much Blair and Ace Septic!!

Ryan Bergeron

5 star rating
I can without a doubt say that what ACE provides is top notch. Great knowledgeable staff and it’s clear that providing good customer service is what’s important to them. Customer for life.

Sandra Cascaden

5 star rating
Professional, knowledgeable, and efficient is how I would describe the services of Erin and Cody. Thank you for a job well done, guys!! Ace Tank Services is the place to go.

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